
Although people often think that owning a Racehorse is a pretty expensive hobby, there are several ways to become an owner which can help keep your costs down, and here at DML Racing we do our best to make racing accessible to as many enthusiasts as possible. We obviously cater for many owners who have opted for Sole Ownership, and own their horses outright as individuals, but we can also let you know about alternative ownership arrangements which make it easier for you to get involved in a racehorse at a price to suit your pocket.

These days, the majority of  people who get involved as owners – especially for the first time – do so by joining a partnership or syndicate. You could become an owner by buying a half-share, a quarter-share, or even just 10% of a horse. We can usually help to link you up with other like-minded people who want to get involved in a joint venture, and can help you join an existing syndicate, or even set up a new partnership for a group of friends.

If you run a business, Company Ownership is another form of racehorse ownership to consider, and can be a fantastic way to promote your business, by allowing you to involve your clients and employees.

With any of these ownership options, there may also be opportunities to LEASE a horse – often at no charge – for a fixed period of time. You would avoid the cost of paying an up-front lump sum to actually purchase the horse, and pay only the monthly training fees and racing costs. This reduces your capital outlay, and would still entitle you to all of the prize money the horse might win, and for the duration of the lease you would go racing as an owner, with full access to the parade ring, owners and trainers facilities, and hopefully the winners enclosure!

Whether you become a sole owner or a member of a syndicate, we do our best to make sure that you enjoy your time racing with us. Every one of our owners plays an important part in our success and owners in the yard are a friendly group who provide support and encouragement for one another, enjoying the camaraderie of being part of a successful racing operation. Whatever your personal requirements are, please give us a call or drop in and we will discuss the most suitable options for you.

Sole Ownership

You would be the sole owner of the horse and be registered as such with Weatherbys. You would own the horse outright, have regular direct contact with your trainer, and have final say in the decisions made regarding your horse. All costs and profits would be yours alone.

Company Ownership

The horse would be in the sole ownership of the company and the company’s shareholders. There are a number of benefits to be gained from Company Ownership. Not only is it a way to promote your business – you might be able to name your horse after your company and use it as a form of advertising campaign, or to entertain clients at the racecourse.

Racing Partnership

Two or more individuals can form a Racing Partnership. All partners should be registered in their own right as owners with Weatherbys. It is a good way for groups of friends or family members to get involved in racing and share ownership responsibilities and benefits.

Racing Syndicate

Intended for a group of people to come together in the ownership of a horse, but who do not need to be individually registered as sole owners in their own right. The ownership is set up and managed by a Syndicator, who is registered with Weatherbys. The Syndicator is responsible for the operation of the syndicate and has day-to-day contact with the trainer on the syndicate’s behalf. We are fortunate to have some Racing Syndicates already associated with the yard. They usually have shares available which would allow you to become a member of an established syndicate. Terms and conditions vary, but you can generally buy or lease a percentage share in a horse – from 5% to 25% – and have everything taken care of for you as part of a managed syndicate.

Racing Club

A club allows a group of people to come together and experience the thrill of racehorse ownership, without the members of the club actually owning the horse – the Club itself owns (or leases) the horse. A Club requires its members to pay a subscription in order to enjoy some of the benefits associated with racehorse ownership. They are entitled to go racing with the group when the horse runs, can attend organised stable visits, and often receive a small percentage share of prize money. The Club Manager is responsible for its operation and all day-to-day dealings with the trainer.


To avoid the costs of buying a horse outright, it is often possible to enter into a lease agreement. This type of arrangement is possible for all of the ownership types mentioned above. Leasing involves the ownership of a racehorse for a fixed period of time. Costs that the horse incurs become the responsibility of the lessee for the agreed lease period and in return the horse will run under the ownership of the lessee. All training and racing costs for the lease period are paid by the lessee, in whose name and colours the horse will run. You would also receive all prize money won, but at the end of the lease agreement the horse returns to the legal owner.

Contact DML Racing

Call us on 07805 531021 to get involved or contact us now